Thought-provoking since 2015

Welcome to Terra Incognita Media where we deliver nuanced feminist analysis about issues surrounding race, class, and gender in response to the outdoor industry.

#StopGlorifyingJohnMuir Fundraiser

#StopGlorifyingJohnMuir Fundraiser

ONLY A FEW HOURS LEFT IN OUR #StopGlorifyingJohnMuir swag fundraiser. 80 percent of funds raised go to Indigenous Women Hike! The rest will go towards paying our fantastic, brilliant, hard-working contributors.

John Muir directly encouraged and aided indigenous genocide through his writing and "environmental activism." We often praise him for his work in creating the national parks, but just like Muir's writing, the parks are rooted in exclusion and violence towards indigenous peoples. The parks were created to preserve what European settlers called "the wilderness," a completely made up construct to keep Indigenous folx from accessing their homelands. This was also a convenient way white settlers could justify reservations under the guise of helping Indigenous folx to be "civilized." We want to acknowledge and give thanks to Indigenous Women Hike for bringing this to the forefront of conversations in the outdoor industry.

If we need to re-think our heroes, what else do we need to re-think? How are our organizations set-up? How can we get rid of hierarchy, which is a product of white supremacy? What about the pace of how we do work? Sense of urgency is a product of white supremacy. What about how we treat each other? Are we caring and making room for mental health days? Are we budgeting for equitable outcomes for everyone involved? Does our organization's impact create equitable outcomes for all?

We hope these T-shirts will help you start conversations and take action against the myriad ways white supremacy shows up in ourselves, our organizations, and social circles.

BOYCOTT SHIFT: Letter in Support

BOYCOTT SHIFT: Letter in Support

#WontTakeShiftAnymore Call to Action

#WontTakeShiftAnymore Call to Action